O registro de Direitos Autorais da ©Oncosinos está realizado junto à Câmara Brasileira do Livro sob o registro DA-2022-029103 número e ISBN 978-65-999431-0-2
Em caso de registro dos resultados originados a partir do uso assistencial, educacional ou de pesquisa do POgE, o usuário deverá expressamente referir em textos, documentos e escritos em geral o seguinte texto:
A POgE está licenciada com base na sistemática do (CC) Creative Commons Corporation), que permite aos usuários copiar e distribuir o material em qualquer meio ou formato sem adaptações de conteúdo ou forma; usar apenas para fins não comerciais, e é obrigatório o reconhecimento da autoria e da titularidade do autor.
CC BY-NC-ND inclui os seguintes elementos:
BY - O crédito deve ser dado ao criador.
NC - Somente usos não comerciais do trabalho são permitidos.
ND - Não são permitidas derivações ou adaptações do trabalho.
The register of Copyrights of ©Oncosinos is held with the Oncosinos' copyrights are registered with the Brazilian Book Chamber (Câmara Brasileira do Livro) under the DA-2022-029103 number and ISBN 978-65-999431-0-2.
In case of registration of the results originating from the assistential, educational or research use of the POgE, the user must expressly refer in texts, documents and writings in general the following text:
POgE is licensed under the (CC) Creative Commons Corporation) system, which allows users to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format without adaptation of content or form; use only for non-commercial purposes, and acknowledgement of authorship and ownership of the author is required.
This license ((CC) Creative Commons Corporation) allows reusers to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format in unadapted form only, for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator.
CC BY-NC-ND includes the following elements:
BY - Credit must be given to the creator
NC - Only noncommercial uses of the work are permitted
ND - No derivatives or adaptations of the work are permitted
The register of Copyrights of ©Oncosinos is held with the Oncosinos' copyrights are registered with the Brazilian Book Chamber (Câmara Brasileira do Livro) under the DA-2022-029103 number and ISBN 978-65-999431-0-2.
In case of registration of the results originating from the assistential, educational or research use of the POgE, the user must expressly refer in texts, documents and writings in general the following text:
POgE is licensed under the (CC) Creative Commons Corporation) system, which allows users to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format without adaptation of content or form; use only for non-commercial purposes, and acknowledgement of authorship and ownership of the author is required.
This license ((CC) Creative Commons Corporation) allows reusers to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format in unadapted form only, for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator.
CC BY-NC-ND includes the following elements:
BY - Credit must be given to the creator
NC - Only noncommercial uses of the work are permitted
ND - No derivatives or adaptations of the work are permitted
The register of Copyrights of ©Oncosinos is held with the Oncosinos' copyrights are registered with the Brazilian Book Chamber (Câmara Brasileira do Livro) under the DA-2022-029103 number and ISBN 978-65-999431-0-2.
In case of registration of the results originating from the assistential, educational or research use of the POgE, the user must expressly refer in texts, documents and writings in general the following text:
POgE is licensed under the (CC) Creative Commons Corporation) system, which allows users to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format without adaptation of content or form; use only for non-commercial purposes, and acknowledgement of authorship and ownership of the author is required.
This license ((CC) Creative Commons Corporation) allows reusers to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format in unadapted form only, for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator.
CC BY-NC-ND includes the following elements:
BY - Credit must be given to the creator
NC - Only noncommercial uses of the work are permitted
ND - No derivatives or adaptations of the work are permitted
O PRAGMATIC ONCO-GERIATRIC EVALUATION (POgE) é um sistema online que tem a finalidade de contribuir para uma melhor avaliação de pacientes seniores com câncer. Ele pode ser acessado através da internet, pelo Website www.oncosenior.com .
O Website www.oncosenior.com é de propriedade exclusiva da Oncosinos Serviços Oncológicos Ltda. – CNPJ 05.618.217/0002. Ao usar este Website, você indica que está de acordo com os Termos de Uso indicados abaixo. Caso não concorde com estes Termos, não utilize o Website ou os Serviços nele disponibilizados. Se você estiver utilizando o Website ou os Serviços em nome de uma organização, você concorda com estes Termos em nome dessa organização e declara que tem autoridade para fazê-lo. Nesse caso, os pronomes “você” e “seu” se referirão à citada organização.
Os dados disponíveis em www.oncosenior.com têm por objetivo fornecer informações suplementares e, dessa forma, complementar a assistência e o aconselhamento do profissional de saúde ao paciente, porém, de forma alguma, serve para substituir o relacionamento entre um paciente e seus próprios profissionais médicos e/ou provedores de saúde.
Não se destina, outrossim, a substituir o aconselhamento, o diagnóstico ou o tratamento médico-profissional. Se você tiver um problema de saúde ou qualquer dúvida médica específica, consulte seu médico.
O uso deste site não cria uma relação médico-paciente com a Oncosinos ou com sua equipe médica. Se você deseja reproduzir o material do site, por favor, solicite permissão.
A Oncosinos pode alterar estes Termos a qualquer momento, e você é responsável por verificar as atualizações periodicamente. Dando continuidade ao uso deste Website e de seus Serviços, você expressa a sua concordância com os Termos atualizados.
Ao fazer uso do Website e dos Serviços, você concorda com a Política de Privacidade e com o tratamento que serão dados às suas informações, tudo em conformidade com a Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (Lei. 13.709/2018); o Código Civil (Lei. 10.104/2002) e as demais legislações pertinentes.
1- Para acessar algumas das funcionalidades ou Serviços oferecidos no Website, é necessário criar uma conta de acesso ao sistema (“Dados de acesso”).
2- Os dados e dados pessoais fornecidos poderão ser usados e tratados pela Oncosinos e seus sócios para:
(a) uso interno, com a finalidade de manter a qualidade do POgE;
(b) uso externo, com a finalidade de registrar, em estudos científicos e acadêmicos, dados, resultados de seu uso ou de outras informações referentes ao POgE.
3- Em qualquer um dos âmbitos (interno e externo), a Oncosinos e seus sócios comprometem-se a apresentar os dados e dados pessoais de forma anonimizada ou pseudonimizada, preservando a identidade, a privacidade e a confidencialidade dos usuários e de seus dados pessoais. Em nenhuma situação haverá identificação de pacientes.
3- Ao se cadastrar, você concorda em fornecer informações verdadeiras, corretas, atualizadas e completas (os “Dados de Cadastro”), conforme solicitado nos formulários de acesso.
4- A senha de acesso ao sistema POgE é pessoal e intrasferível, portanto você é responsável por qualquer atividade realizada em sua conta. Você pode ser responsabilizado por perdas e/ou danos em relação à Oncosinos ou em relação a terceiros, devido à utilização de suas credenciais para acessar o Website da Oncosinos, da Onconsenior e/ou o POgE.
5- As contas não podem ser compartilhadas, e cada conta deve ser usada apenas pelo seu titular/usuário.
6- Você deverá notificar imediatamente a Oncosinos, através do item de menu CONTATO (localizado na coluna esquerda da home do Website da Oncosenior), sobre qualquer uso não autorizado de seus Dados de Acesso ou sobre qualquer outra violação de segurança, incluindo, mas não se limitando, ao extravio, perda ou roubo dos seus Dados de Acesso.
7- A Oncosinos não será responsável por qualquer perda ou dano decorrente da sua falha em atender aos cuidados expressos neste termo de uso.
A Oncosinos se reserva o direito, a qualquer tempo, sem nenhuma comunicação prévia e sem que isso implique em qualquer responsabilidade por eventuais prejuízos que você venha a sofrer, de:
1) modificar, suspender, terminar ou descontinuar qualquer parte do Website, incluindo a disponibilidade de quaisquer erviços, informações, características ou funcionalidades acessíveis por meio dele;
2) impor limitações a certas características, funcionalidades ou serviços ou restringir o seu acesso a partes ou à totalidade do Website e/ou dos Serviços;
3) revogar ou suspender logins e senhas sem prévia notificação e sem que isso implique em qualquer responsabilidade nossa por possível prejuízo que você venha a sofrer. Quaisquer melhorias ou adições ao Website ou Serviços estarão sujeitas a estes Termos de Uso, a não ser que seja estabelecido expressamente de outra forma. Poderão ser incluídos novos conjuntos específicos de termos e condições para Serviços específicos, conforme apropriado, ou emendas a termos e condições específicos já existentes.
O Website, os Serviços, suas estruturas e todas as funcionalidades nelas contidas assim como qualquer informação, dados, códigos, textos, imagens e gráficos e todos os componentes empregados no Website (“Conteúdo”) são protegidos por direitos autorais e outros direitos de propriedade intelectual. Você reconhece que a Oncosinos detém todos os direitos, títulos e interesses relativos ao conteúdo e que não terá direito, através do uso do Website ou dos Serviços, a adquirir quaisquer direitos próprios nele. O registro de Direitos Autorais da ©Oncosinos está realizado junto à Câmara Brasileira do Livro sob o registro DA-2022-029103 número e ISBN 978-65-999431-0-2
Em caso de registro dos resultados originados a partir do uso assistencial, educacional ou de pesquisa do POgE, o usuário deverá expressamente referir em textos, documentos e escritos em geral o seguinte texto:
A POgE está licenciada com base na sistemática do (CC) Creative Commons Corporation), que permite aos usuários copiar e distribuir o material em qualquer meio ou formato sem adaptações de conteúdo ou forma; usar apenas para fins não comerciais, e é obrigatório o reconhecimento da autoria e da titularidade do autor.
CC BY-NC-ND inclui os seguintes elementos:
BY - O crédito deve ser dado ao criador.
NC - Somente usos não comerciais do trabalho são permitidos.
ND - Não são permitidas derivações ou adaptações do trabalho.
Este termo ou licenças não lhe outorgam direito de usar as marcas registradas ou outros elementos distintivos da Oncosinos e do Pragmatic Onco-Geriatric Evaluation (POgE). As marcas ou os nomes da Oncosinos e do Pragmatic Onco-Geriatric Evaluation (POgE) não poderão ser utilizados para divulgar resultados de pesquisa ou para qualquer outra finalidade sem autorização por escrito. O uso indevido e desautorizado das marcas acima citadas ou de outros elementos distintivos da Oncosinos pode acarretar a suspensão ou encerramento da utilização do Website ou dos Serviços e gera o dever de indenizar a Oncosinos por danos morais e por perdas.
Você deve usar o serviço exclusivamente em observância à legislação aplicável e apenas nos termos permitidos assim como nas obrigações estabelecidas neste termo de uso.
Você é responsável por sua conduta, seu onteúdo e suas comunicações com outros enquanto usa o serviço. Ao utilizar o serviço, você deve cumprir com os seguintes requisitos:
Você não pode provocar danos ou prejuízos, de nenhuma natureza, ao uso de nossos serviços, interferindo em sua operação normal ou tentando acessá-lo por outro método que não seja pelas interfaces e instruções que fornecemos.
Você não pode se esquivar ou tentar se esquivar de qualquer limitação imposta à sua conta pela Oncosinos (como abrir uma nova conta para acessar o Pragmatic Onco-geriatric Evaluation - POgE).
Você não pode investigar, escanear ou testar a vulnerabilidade de nenhum sistema ou rede da Oncosinos, a menos que autorizado por escrito pela Oncosinos.
Você não pode impedir que outros acessem o serviço, a menos que permitido pelas leis aplicáveis e pela Oncosinos.
Você não pode realizar engenharia reversa do serviço ou tentar fazer isto, a menos que autorizado expressamente pela Oncosinos.
Você não pode transmitir nenhum vírus, malware ou outros tipos de software ilícitos, nem links a esse tipo de software, através do serviço.
Você não pode utilizar o serviço de forma abusiva ou excessiva, isto é, substancialmente além dos padrões médios de uso, afetando adversamente a velocidade, o tempo de resposta, a estabilidade, a disponibilidade ou a funcionalidade do serviço para outros usuários. A Oncosinos se esforçará para notificá-lo de qualquer uso abusivo ou excessivo, para possibilitar que você reduza esse uso a um nível aceitável para a Oncosinos.
Você não pode usar o serviço para infringir os direitos de propriedade intelectual de outrem ou mesmo para realizar atividades ilícitas ou que estejam fora o escopo do POgE.
Você não pode comercializar, vender, revender ou ter ganho econômico com o uso ou oferecimento de serviços que a essência seja a realização do POgE, a menos que autorizado por escrito pela Oncosinos.
Embora a Oncosinos faça os melhores esforços para assegurar que o Conteúdo e as informações fornecidas pelo ou através do Website sejam confiáveis, nenhuma garantia explícita ou implícita é feita quanto à sua exatidão, integridade ou imparcialidade.
A Oncosinos irá realizar todos os esforços para manter o Website sempre online, mas pode ser que ele fique indisponível por vários motivos. Não há garantias que o funcionamento do Website ou de quaisquer Serviços serão ininterruptos ou livres de erros. Também não é garantido que defeitos serão corrigidos ou que o servidor em que ele é disponibilizado ou qualquer sistema ao qual esteja conectado está livre de vírus ou de outros componentes nocivos.
O Website e os Serviços são fornecidos “tal como se apresentam”. A Oncosinos não presta garantia de nenhum tipo, seja ela expressa, implícita ou estatutária, inclusive de comercialidade, adequação e de obtenção de um resultado específico.
Você reconhece que deve usar o Website, seu Conteúdo e os Serviços por sua conta e risco. Também reconhece que eles podem conter problemas técnicos ou outras limitações pelas quais não assumimos nenhuma responsabilidade. A Oncosinos não poderá ser responsabilizada por quaisquer danos que possam surgir a partir de problemas técnicos, limitações, bugs ou vírus oriundos do uso do Website, do seu Conteúdo ou dos Serviços.
Exceto no caso de conduta dolosa comprovada, em nenhum momento a Oncosinos será responsável por perdas ou danos de qualquer natureza que surjam como resultado de Conteúdo publicado no Website, destes Termos, dos Serviços ou de qualquer outra informação, dado, software ou fornecido através do Website.
Em nenhuma hipótese a Oncosinos será responsável por quaisquer danos indiretos, de qualquer natureza, que possam, direta ou indiretamente, ser atribuíveis ao uso ou à incapacidade de uso do Website, a qualquer conteúdo do Website, destes Termos ou dos Serviços ou a quaisquer informações, dados, softwares fornecidos através do Website, mesmo se advertida sobre a possibilidade de tais danos ou se tais danos eram previsíveis.
O Oncosinos não será responsável por qualquer atraso ou não execução dos Serviços ou por falhas ao acessar o Website ou qualquer parte do seu Conteúdo, decorrentes de causas além do nosso razoável controle.
Se a Oncosinos deixar de lhe prestar o serviço por você infringir estes Termos de forma contínua e ofensiva, a Oncosinos poderá adotar medidas para impedir que você continue utilizando o serviço, bloqueando, inclusive, seu endereço IP.
Não há relacionamento entre você e a Oncosinos, muito menos sociedade de qualquer espécie, não são sócios legais ou funcionários ou colaboradores ou agentes da outra parte.
O fato de uma parte deixar de executar uma disposição prevista nestes Termos ou de demorar a fazê-lo não será interpretado como uma renúncia, desta parte, a seu direito de fazê-lo posteriormente.
Se surgir qualquer conflito, os Termos Adicionais prevalecem sobre estes Termos em relação ao serviço aos quais os Termos Adicionais sejam aplicáveis.
Se qualquer disposição destes Termos for considerada inexequível por um tribunal de jurisdição competente, a mencionada disposição deverá ser considerada individualmente, devendo as demais disposições permanecer em pleno vigor e efeito.
Fica eleito pelas PARTES, com renúncia expressa de qualquer outro, por mais privilegiado que seja, o foro de Novo Hamburgo-RS, como o único competente para dirimir quaisquer dúvidas ou controvérsias oriundas deste Termo.
PRAGMATIC ONCO-GERIATRIC EVALUATION (POgE) is an online system that aims to contribute to a better assessment of senior cancer patients. It can be accessed through the internet at www.oncosenior.com.
The website www.oncosenior.com is the exclusive property of Oncosinos Serviços Oncológicos Ltda. - CNPJ 05.618.217/0002. By using this Website, you indicate that you agree to the Terms of Use indicated below. If you do not agree to these Terms, do not use the Website or the services made available on it. If you are using the Website or the Services on behalf of an organization, you agree to these Terms on behalf of that organization and you declare that you have the authority to do so. In that case, the pronouns "you" and "your" will refer to that organization.
The data available on www.oncosenior.com is intended to provide supplementary information and thus complement the healthcare professional's assistance and advice to the patient, however, in no way is it intended to replace the relationship between a patient and his/her own medical professionals and/or healthcare providers.
It is also not intended to replace medical professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have a health problem or any specific medical question, please consult your doctor.
The use of this site does not create a doctor-patient relationship with Oncosinos or its medical staff. If you wish to reproduce material from the site, please request permission.
Oncosinos may change these Terms at any time, and you are responsible for checking for updates periodically. By continuing to use this Website and its Services, you agree to the updated Terms.
By making use of the Website and the Services, you agree to the Privacy Policy and to the treatment that will be given to your information, all in accordance with the General Data Protection Act (Law. 13.709/2018); the Civil Code (Law. 10.104/2002) and the other relevant legislation, included the European Union (EU) - General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
1- To access some of the functionalities or Services offered in the Website, it is necessary to create an account to access the system ("Access Data").
2- The personal data and details provided may be used and processed by Oncosinos and its partners for:
(a) internal use, with the purpose of maintaining the quality of POgE;
(b) external use, with the purpose of recording, in scientific and academic studies, data, results of its use, or other information related to POgE.
3- In any of the areas (internal and external), Oncosinos and its partners undertake to present the data and personal information in an anonymized or pseudonymized form, preserving the identity, privacy, and confidentiality of the users and their personal information. In no situation will there be identification of patients.
3- When registering, you agree to provide true, correct, updated, and complete information (the "Registration Data"), as requested in the access forms.
4- The password to access the POgE system is personal and non-transferable, therefore you are responsible for any activity performed on your account. You may be held responsible for losses and/or damages in relation to Oncosinos or in relation to third parties, due to the use of your credentials to access the Oncosinos Website, Onconsenior and/or POgE.
5- The accounts cannot be shared, and each account must be used only by its holder/user.
6- You must notify Oncosinos immediately, through the menu item CONTACT (located on the left column of the home page of the Oncosenior Website), of any unauthorized use of your Access Data or any other breach of security, including, but not limited to, the loss or theft of your Access Data.
7- Oncosinos shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with the warnings expressed in this term of use.
Oncosinos reserves the right, at any time, without any prior notice and without incurring any liability for any damages you may suffer, to:
1) modify, suspend, terminate or discontinue any part of the Website, including the availability of any services, information, features, or functionalities accessible through it;
2) impose limitations on certain features, functionality, or services or restrict your access to parts or all of the Website and/or the Services;
3) revoke or suspend logins and passwords without prior notice and without any liability on our part for any loss that you may suffer. Any improvements or additions to the Website or Services will be subject to these Terms of Use, unless expressly stated otherwise. Specific new sets of terms and conditions for specific Services may be included as appropriate, or specific existing terms and conditions may be amended.
The Website, the Services, their structures, and all the functionalities contained therein as well as any information, data, codes, text, images and graphics and all the components employed on the Website ("Content") are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. You acknowledge that Oncosinos holds all rights, title and interest in and to the Content and that you shall not be entitled, through the use of the Website or the Services, to acquire any rights of your own therein. The register of Copyrights of ©Oncosinos is held with the Oncosinos' copyrights are registered with the Brazilian Book Chamber (Câmara Brasileira do Livro) under the DA-2022-029103 number and ISBN 978-65-999431-0-2.
In case of registration of the results originating from the assistential, educational or research use of the POgE, the user must expressly refer in texts, documents and writings in general the following text:
POgE is licensed under the (CC) Creative Commons Corporation) system, which allows users to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format without adaptation of content or form; use only for non-commercial purposes, and acknowledgement of authorship and ownership of the author is required.
This license ((CC) Creative Commons Corporation) allows reusers to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format in unadapted form only, for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator.
CC BY-NC-ND includes the following elements:
BY - Credit must be given to the creator
NC - Only noncommercial uses of the work are permitted
ND - No derivatives or adaptations of the work are permitted
This term or licenses does not grant you the right to use the trademarks or other distinctive elements of Oncosinos and Pragmatic Onco-Geriatric Evaluation (POgE). Oncosinos and Pragmatic Onco-Geriatric Evaluation (POgE) trademarks or names may not be used to disseminate research results or for any other purpose without written permission. The improper and unauthorized use of the above-mentioned trademarks or of other distinctive elements of Oncosinos can cause the suspension or termination of the use of the Website or of the Services and generates the duty to indemnify Oncosinos for moral damages and losses.
You must use the service exclusively in compliance with the applicable legislation and only in the terms permitted as well as in the obligations established in this term of use.
You are responsible for your conduct, your content and your communications with others while using the service. When using the service, you must comply with the following requirements:
You must not cause damage or harm, of any nature, to the use of our service by interfering with its normal operation or attempting to access it by any method other than by the interfaces and instructions we provide.
You must not evade or attempt to evade any limitation imposed on your account by Oncosinos (such as opening a new account to access Pragmatic Onco-geriatric Evaluation - POgE).
You must not investigate, scan or test the vulnerability of any Oncosinos system or network unless authorized in writing by Oncosinos.
You must not prevent others from accessing the service unless permitted by applicable laws and Oncosinos.
You must not reverse engineer the service or attempt to do so, unless expressly authorized by Oncosinos.
You must not transmit any virus, malware or other illicit software, or links to such software, through the service.
You must not use the service in an abusive or excessive manner, that is, substantially beyond average usage patterns, adversely affecting the speed, response time, stability, availability or functionality of the service for other users. Oncosinos will endeavor to notify you of any abusive or excessive use, to enable you to reduce such use to a level acceptable to Oncosinos.
You must not use the service to infringe the intellectual property rights of others or to perform activities that are illegal or outside the scope of POgE.
You must not commercialize, sell, resell or have economic gain from the use or offering of services that the essence is the realization of the POgE, unless authorized in writing by Oncosinos.
Oncosinos does its best efforts to ensure that the Content and the information provided by or through the Website are reliable; however, no explicit or implicit guarantee is made as to its accuracy, integrity or impartiality.
Oncosinos will make every effort to keep the Website online at all times, but it may be unavailable for various reasons. There is no guarantee that the operation of the Website or any Services will be uninterrupted or error-free. Nor is it guaranteed that defects will be corrected or that the server on which it is made available or any system to which it is connected is free of viruses or other harmful components.
The Website and the Services are provided "as it is". Oncosinos makes no warranty of any kind, whether express, implicit or statutory, including those of commerciality, adequacy, and of obtaining a specific result.
You acknowledge that you must use the Website, its Content and the Services at your own risk. You also acknowledge that they may contain technical problems or other limitations for which we assume no responsibility. Oncosinos cannot be held responsible for any damages that may arise from technical problems, limitations, bugs or viruses arising from using the Website, its Content or the Services.
Except in the case of proven willful misconduct, at no time shall Oncosinos be liable for loss or damage of any nature whatsoever arising as a result of Content published on the Website, these Terms, the Services or any other information, data, software or provided through the Website.
In no event shall Oncosinos be liable for any indirect damages, of any nature, which may, directly or indirectly, be attributable to the use or inability to use the Website, any content on the Website, these Terms or the Services or any information, data, software provided through the Website, even if advised of the possibility of such damages or if such damages were foreseeable.
Oncosinos shall not be liable for any delay or non-performance of the Services or for failure to access the Website or any part of its Content, arising from causes beyond our reasonable control.
If Oncosinos stops providing the service to you because you continuously and offensively violate these Terms, Oncosinos may take measures to prevent you from continuing to use the service, including blocking your IP address.
There is no relationship between you and Oncosinos, much less a partnership of any kind, and you are not legal partners or employees or agents of the other party.
The failure of a party to enforce a provision of these Terms or to delay in doing so will not be construed as a waiver by that party of its right to do so at a later time.
If any conflict arises, the Additional Terms shall prevail over these Terms in relation to the service to which the Additional Terms apply.
If any provision of these Terms is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed severable and the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
The PARTIES hereby elect, expressly waiving any other, however privileged it may be, the Novo Hamburgo-RS courts as the sole jurisdiction to settle any doubts or controversies arising out of this Term.
*The translation of this Term of Use was made with the support of DeepL Translator.
PRAGMATIC ONCO-GERIATRIC EVALUATION (POgE) is an online system that aims to contribute to a better assessment of senior cancer patients. It can be accessed through the internet at www.oncosenior.com.
The website www.oncosenior.com is the exclusive property of Oncosinos Serviços Oncológicos Ltda. - CNPJ 05.618.217/0002. By using this Website, you indicate that you agree to the Terms of Use indicated below. If you do not agree to these Terms, do not use the Website or the services made available on it. If you are using the Website or the Services on behalf of an organization, you agree to these Terms on behalf of that organization and you declare that you have the authority to do so. In that case, the pronouns "you" and "your" will refer to that organization.
The data available on www.oncosenior.com is intended to provide supplementary information and thus complement the healthcare professional's assistance and advice to the patient, however, in no way is it intended to replace the relationship between a patient and his/her own medical professionals and/or healthcare providers.
It is also not intended to replace medical professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have a health problem or any specific medical question, please consult your doctor.
The use of this site does not create a doctor-patient relationship with Oncosinos or its medical staff. If you wish to reproduce material from the site, please request permission.
Oncosinos may change these Terms at any time, and you are responsible for checking for updates periodically. By continuing to use this Website and its Services, you agree to the updated Terms.
By making use of the Website and the Services, you agree to the Privacy Policy and to the treatment that will be given to your information, all in accordance with the General Data Protection Act (Law. 13.709/2018); the Civil Code (Law. 10.104/2002) and the other relevant legislation, included the European Union (EU) - General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
1- To access some of the functionalities or Services offered in the Website, it is necessary to create an account to access the system ("Access Data").
2- The personal data and details provided may be used and processed by Oncosinos and its partners for:
(a) internal use, with the purpose of maintaining the quality of POgE;
(b) external use, with the purpose of recording, in scientific and academic studies, data, results of its use, or other information related to POgE.
3- In any of the areas (internal and external), Oncosinos and its partners undertake to present the data and personal information in an anonymized or pseudonymized form, preserving the identity, privacy, and confidentiality of the users and their personal information. In no situation will there be identification of patients.
3- When registering, you agree to provide true, correct, updated, and complete information (the "Registration Data"), as requested in the access forms.
4- The password to access the POgE system is personal and non-transferable, therefore you are responsible for any activity performed on your account. You may be held responsible for losses and/or damages in relation to Oncosinos or in relation to third parties, due to the use of your credentials to access the Oncosinos Website, Onconsenior and/or POgE.
5- The accounts cannot be shared, and each account must be used only by its holder/user.
6- You must notify Oncosinos immediately, through the menu item CONTACT (located on the left column of the home page of the Oncosenior Website), of any unauthorized use of your Access Data or any other breach of security, including, but not limited to, the loss or theft of your Access Data.
7- Oncosinos shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with the warnings expressed in this term of use.
Oncosinos reserves the right, at any time, without any prior notice and without incurring any liability for any damages you may suffer, to:
1) modify, suspend, terminate or discontinue any part of the Website, including the availability of any services, information, features, or functionalities accessible through it;
2) impose limitations on certain features, functionality, or services or restrict your access to parts or all of the Website and/or the Services;
3) revoke or suspend logins and passwords without prior notice and without any liability on our part for any loss that you may suffer. Any improvements or additions to the Website or Services will be subject to these Terms of Use, unless expressly stated otherwise. Specific new sets of terms and conditions for specific Services may be included as appropriate, or specific existing terms and conditions may be amended.
The Website, the Services, their structures, and all the functionalities contained therein as well as any information, data, codes, text, images and graphics and all the components employed on the Website ("Content") are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. You acknowledge that Oncosinos holds all rights, title and interest in and to the Content and that you shall not be entitled, through the use of the Website or the Services, to acquire any rights of your own therein. The register of Copyrights of ©Oncosinos is held with the Oncosinos' copyrights are registered with the Brazilian Book Chamber (Câmara Brasileira do Livro) under the DA-2022-029103 number and ISBN 978-65-999431-0-2.
In case of registration of the results originating from the assistential, educational or research use of the POgE, the user must expressly refer in texts, documents and writings in general the following text:
POgE is licensed under the (CC) Creative Commons Corporation) system, which allows users to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format without adaptation of content or form; use only for non-commercial purposes, and acknowledgement of authorship and ownership of the author is required.
This license ((CC) Creative Commons Corporation) allows reusers to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format in unadapted form only, for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator.
CC BY-NC-ND includes the following elements:
BY - Credit must be given to the creator
NC - Only noncommercial uses of the work are permitted
ND - No derivatives or adaptations of the work are permitted
This term or licenses does not grant you the right to use the trademarks or other distinctive elements of Oncosinos and Pragmatic Onco-Geriatric Evaluation (POgE). Oncosinos and Pragmatic Onco-Geriatric Evaluation (POgE) trademarks or names may not be used to disseminate research results or for any other purpose without written permission. The improper and unauthorized use of the above-mentioned trademarks or of other distinctive elements of Oncosinos can cause the suspension or termination of the use of the Website or of the Services and generates the duty to indemnify Oncosinos for moral damages and losses.
You must use the service exclusively in compliance with the applicable legislation and only in the terms permitted as well as in the obligations established in this term of use.
You are responsible for your conduct, your content and your communications with others while using the service. When using the service, you must comply with the following requirements:
You must not cause damage or harm, of any nature, to the use of our service by interfering with its normal operation or attempting to access it by any method other than by the interfaces and instructions we provide.
You must not evade or attempt to evade any limitation imposed on your account by Oncosinos (such as opening a new account to access Pragmatic Onco-geriatric Evaluation - POgE).
You must not investigate, scan or test the vulnerability of any Oncosinos system or network unless authorized in writing by Oncosinos.
You must not prevent others from accessing the service unless permitted by applicable laws and Oncosinos.
You must not reverse engineer the service or attempt to do so, unless expressly authorized by Oncosinos.
You must not transmit any virus, malware or other illicit software, or links to such software, through the service.
You must not use the service in an abusive or excessive manner, that is, substantially beyond average usage patterns, adversely affecting the speed, response time, stability, availability or functionality of the service for other users. Oncosinos will endeavor to notify you of any abusive or excessive use, to enable you to reduce such use to a level acceptable to Oncosinos.
You must not use the service to infringe the intellectual property rights of others or to perform activities that are illegal or outside the scope of POgE.
You must not commercialize, sell, resell or have economic gain from the use or offering of services that the essence is the realization of the POgE, unless authorized in writing by Oncosinos.
Oncosinos does its best efforts to ensure that the Content and the information provided by or through the Website are reliable; however, no explicit or implicit guarantee is made as to its accuracy, integrity or impartiality.
Oncosinos will make every effort to keep the Website online at all times, but it may be unavailable for various reasons. There is no guarantee that the operation of the Website or any Services will be uninterrupted or error-free. Nor is it guaranteed that defects will be corrected or that the server on which it is made available or any system to which it is connected is free of viruses or other harmful components.
The Website and the Services are provided "as it is". Oncosinos makes no warranty of any kind, whether express, implicit or statutory, including those of commerciality, adequacy, and of obtaining a specific result.
You acknowledge that you must use the Website, its Content and the Services at your own risk. You also acknowledge that they may contain technical problems or other limitations for which we assume no responsibility. Oncosinos cannot be held responsible for any damages that may arise from technical problems, limitations, bugs or viruses arising from using the Website, its Content or the Services.
Except in the case of proven willful misconduct, at no time shall Oncosinos be liable for loss or damage of any nature whatsoever arising as a result of Content published on the Website, these Terms, the Services or any other information, data, software or provided through the Website.
In no event shall Oncosinos be liable for any indirect damages, of any nature, which may, directly or indirectly, be attributable to the use or inability to use the Website, any content on the Website, these Terms or the Services or any information, data, software provided through the Website, even if advised of the possibility of such damages or if such damages were foreseeable.
Oncosinos shall not be liable for any delay or non-performance of the Services or for failure to access the Website or any part of its Content, arising from causes beyond our reasonable control.
If Oncosinos stops providing the service to you because you continuously and offensively violate these Terms, Oncosinos may take measures to prevent you from continuing to use the service, including blocking your IP address.
There is no relationship between you and Oncosinos, much less a partnership of any kind, and you are not legal partners or employees or agents of the other party.
The failure of a party to enforce a provision of these Terms or to delay in doing so will not be construed as a waiver by that party of its right to do so at a later time.
If any conflict arises, the Additional Terms shall prevail over these Terms in relation to the service to which the Additional Terms apply.
If any provision of these Terms is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed severable and the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.
The PARTIES hereby elect, expressly waiving any other, however privileged it may be, the Novo Hamburgo-RS courts as the sole jurisdiction to settle any doubts or controversies arising out of this Term.
*The translation of this Term of Use was made with the support of DeepL Translator.